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Weapon sizes
The following list of weapons has the standard size for that weapon. Sometimes the weapon can vary from the norm, if there is a good reason. But for the most part you should make sure weapons of the type you make, are of the standard size for that type.
bastard sword | SIZE_MEDIUM |
battle axe | SIZE_MEDIUM |
blackjack | SIZE_SMALL |
halfspear | SIZE_MEDIUM |
bola | SIZE_SMALL |
boomerang | SIZE_SMALL |
broad sword | SIZE_MEDIUM |
cat-o'-nine tails | SIZE_MEDIUM |
fullblade | SIZE_LARGE |
club | SIZE_MEDIUM |
composite bow | SIZE_LARGE |
greatclub | SIZE_LARGE |
cutlass | SIZE_MEDIUM |
dagger | SIZE_TINY |
dart | SIZE_SMALL |
dirk | SIZE_SMALL |
falchion | SIZE_MEDIUM |
flail | SIZE_MEDIUM |
fishing net | SIZE_MEDIUM |
foil | SIZE_MEDIUM |
gladiator net | SIZE_MEDIUM |
halberd | SIZE_LARGE |
handaxe | SIZE_SMALL |
heavy crossbow | SIZE_MEDIUM |
harpoon | SIZE_LARGE |
javelin | SIZE_MEDIUM |
katana | SIZE_MEDIUM |
lance | SIZE_MEDIUM |
lasso | SIZE_MEDIUM |
light crossbow | SIZE_SMALL |
long bow | SIZE_LARGE |
long sword | SIZE_MEDIUM |
mace | SIZE_MEDIUM |
main gauche | SIZE_MEDIUM |
morning star | SIZE_MEDIUM |
naginata | SIZE_LARGE |
nunchaku | SIZE_SMALL |
pick | SIZE_MEDIUM |
pilum | SIZE_MEDIUM |
quarterstaff | SIZE_LARGE |
rapier | SIZE_MEDIUM |
sabre | SIZE_MEDIUM |
sai | SIZE_SMALL |
scimitar | SIZE_MEDIUM |
short bow | SIZE_MEDIUM |
short sword | SIZE_SMALL |
shuriken | SIZE_TINY |
sling | SIZE_SMALL |
longspear | SIZE_LARGE |
staff sling | SIZE_MEDIUM |
tomahawk | SIZE_SMALL |
tonfa | SIZE_SMALL |
trident | SIZE_MEDIUM |
greatsword | SIZE_LARGE |
light hammer | SIZE_SMALL |
warhammer | SIZE_MEDIUM |
whip | SIZE_SMALL |
lance | SIZE_MEDIUM |
lasso | SIZE_MEDIUM |
light crossbow | SIZE_SMALL |
long bow | SIZE_LARGE |
long sword | SIZE_MEDIUM |
mace | SIZE_MEDIUM |
main gauche | SIZE_MEDIUM |
morning star | SIZE_MEDIUM |
naginata | SIZE_LARGE |
nunchaku | SIZE_SMALL |
pick | SIZE_MEDIUM |
pilum | SIZE_MEDIUM |
quarterstaff | SIZE_LARGE |
rapier | SIZE_MEDIUM |
sabre | SIZE_MEDIUM |
sai | SIZE_SMALL |
scimitar | SIZE_MEDIUM |
short bow | SIZE_MEDIUM |
short sword | SIZE_SMALL |
shuriken | SIZE_TINY |
sling | SIZE_SMALL |
longspear | SIZE_LARGE |
staff sling | SIZE_MEDIUM |
tomahawk | SIZE_SMALL |
tonfa | SIZE_SMALL |
trident | SIZE_MEDIUM |
greatsword | SIZE_LARGE |
light hammer | SIZE_SMALL |
warhammer | SIZE_MEDIUM |
whip | SIZE_SMALL |