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Mobile programs
Mobile programs are commonly termed "mob progs". This lesson does not go into great detail on what mob progs do, more information on that can be found on the section on the lessons pages devoted to that. This lesson focuses on the placement of the program in the mobile's information. Mobile programs work on BOTH simple and unique mobiles.
#QQ00 smelly dwarf short~ {30}a short smelly dwarf~ {30}A short smelly dwarf is drinking an ale here.~ {30}He is very short for a dwarf with dark hair and a dark beard. He has a stubby nose and beady eyes. His hands are large and calloused from many hours of work at the forge. He is of a very sturdy build with arms and legs like small tree trunks. Be sure to hold your nose as he stinks! ~ U 25 CLASS_WARRIOR RACE_DWARF SEX_MALE POS_STANDING DEITY_NONE ACT_SENTINEL|ACT_CITIZEN AFF_BERSERK ARMOR_TYPE_PLATE_MAIL MATERIAL_MITHRIL d10+2 500 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 0 0 0 0 0 LANG_COMMON|LANG_DWARVEN LANG_COMMON|LANG_DWARVEN RIS_MAGIC RIS_NONE RIS_NONE >fight_prog 15~ say By Moradin's Hammer I will defeat you! ~ |
Our dwarf has a fight program that has a 15% chance of triggering in which he says 'By Moradin's Hammer I will defeat you!'. Possible triggers for mobile programs can be found on the Mob Progs Listing.