Command: Draw
Command: Draw
So, I've grown increasingly curious about this and, upon being told "suggest it!" decided to make a post. Is it possible to alter the draw command to allow for ease for those who use bastard swords with two hands? The draw command always draws to one hand, unless the weapon is two-hand only. Could we adjust it to allow "draw both" to draw weapons that could be used in one OR two hands to be drawn two-handed?
tl;dr It'd be sweet to be able to 'draw both'
tl;dr It'd be sweet to be able to 'draw both'
"The noir hero is a knight in blood caked armour. He's dirty and he does his best to deny the fact that he's a hero the whole time."
~Frank Miller
~Frank Miller
Re: Command: Draw
This is actually one of the reasons my 2H warrior doesn't carry a bastard sword. The versatility of the bastard sword is a great idea until our fluid combat system meets our draw system. I hereby sign this petition for a draw both feature!
Jamais arriere.
Re: Command: Draw
I'll throw in my vote for this - I've had to make custom draw aliases in the past to overcome this, and it'd be nice to have it done automatically.
Nylo, Fighter of Tempus
Anver, Transmuter of Garl
Malic, Cleric of Tyr
Luthir, Druid of Mielikki
Anver, Transmuter of Garl
Malic, Cleric of Tyr
Luthir, Druid of Mielikki
Re: Command: Draw
Unfortunately, going with a two-hand sword isn't an option for me. RP thing. Alitar's deity is Kelemvor. Kelemvor's favoured weapon is bastard sword. I considered restringing(renaming) a greatsword however I'm not sure what rules here are regarding this as I'm somewhat new to FK. Could I get a weigh-in on whether or not that is considered feasible should this get shot down?
"The noir hero is a knight in blood caked armour. He's dirty and he does his best to deny the fact that he's a hero the whole time."
~Frank Miller
~Frank Miller
Re: Command: Draw
That's just fine, really, but you would only have the name - not the additional function of a hand-and-a-half sword.
The people who designed role-playing game weapons did not really know anything about weapon names anyway and so, within reason, renames like that are not that big of a deal. So, to be clear, renaming a longsword or greatsword as a bastard sword (or warsword, etc.) is not a big deal. Renaming a cutlass as a flamberge probably is a big deal because the two objects' functions are too different.
The people who designed role-playing game weapons did not really know anything about weapon names anyway and so, within reason, renames like that are not that big of a deal. So, to be clear, renaming a longsword or greatsword as a bastard sword (or warsword, etc.) is not a big deal. Renaming a cutlass as a flamberge probably is a big deal because the two objects' functions are too different.
"A man may die yet still endure if his work enters the greater work, for time is carried upon a current of forgotten deeds, and events of great moment are but the culmination of a single carefully placed thought." - Chime of Eons
Re: Command: Draw
Understood. I certainly hope we encounter a solution to the issue of no "draw both" command but failing that perhaps I'll have to rename something. The reduced functionality of it is unfortunate, as is the fact that I don't have a greatsword worth using, but such is life.
"The noir hero is a knight in blood caked armour. He's dirty and he does his best to deny the fact that he's a hero the whole time."
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Re: Command: Draw
I used to make an alias to achieve this effect, something like
It's a little bulky but with the quick draw feat which anyway is sweet to have it works.
Code: Select all
alias "draw both" "take sword scabbard & wear sword both"
Re: Command: Draw
So then... with new adjustments to the code, this option to draw into both hands becomes a more significant factor for players in combat trying to retrieve their weapon or trying to (get weapon scab, wear weapon both) being as these actions invite an AoO.
"The noir hero is a knight in blood caked armour. He's dirty and he does his best to deny the fact that he's a hero the whole time."
~Frank Miller
~Frank Miller
Re: Command: Draw
I believe I was told this was on a list of things that could possibly be worked on, with a lower priority. Or maybe it was just drawing two weapons at the same time.
In regards to Bastard swords... just because that's the favored weapon of Kelemvor, I don't see why a Paladin would be restricted to that weapon. In fact, isn't the supplicate weapon something else entirely? Bastard swords being used 2h even use the same skill as great-swords.
I can see the advantage of having a bastard sword be your chosen weapon, as it can be used either as 2h, for maximum damage output, or as a 1h, for use with a shield. But the 'for RP reasons' I'm confused on.
Ultimately though, I think it would be beneficial if there were 'draw both' and 'draw dual' commands.
In regards to Bastard swords... just because that's the favored weapon of Kelemvor, I don't see why a Paladin would be restricted to that weapon. In fact, isn't the supplicate weapon something else entirely? Bastard swords being used 2h even use the same skill as great-swords.
I can see the advantage of having a bastard sword be your chosen weapon, as it can be used either as 2h, for maximum damage output, or as a 1h, for use with a shield. But the 'for RP reasons' I'm confused on.
Ultimately though, I think it would be beneficial if there were 'draw both' and 'draw dual' commands.
Re: Command: Draw
The character was intended to employ the favoured weapon of his deity initially however this has changed to one more suitable for combatting the undead. The initial issue, being unable to make the logical move of drawing a weapon with two-hands(or being unable to adjust your grip to hold with both once wielding it) presents other problems when trying to draw after being disarmed. My current predicament, given for reason of example, is that when my greatsword is disarmed I'd like to draw my bastard sword into both hands to replace it, however, to do so presently invites an AoO that feels unnecessary. Also, simply having the versatility to draw something into both hands depending on the situation would be a grand addition.
"The noir hero is a knight in blood caked armour. He's dirty and he does his best to deny the fact that he's a hero the whole time."
~Frank Miller
~Frank Miller
Re: Command: Draw
I personally don't see how much more simple it could be in regards to "for RP reasons." Whether he chooses a weapon in spite of it being his God's favored weapon or because, those are his RP reasons. I think our man was just giving us a little background.
That background, though nice, is unnecessary for this discussion. The price you pay to wield a bastard sword masterfully in either stance is time and dedication; the weapon isn't imbalanced to where one should have to sacrifice the versatility. It would benefit a great many people in a great many situations to see a change put in to allow "draw both" for this (or any weapon that can be wielded in 2H, as I assume it would function regardless of actual weapon type). Just tossing that out there.
That background, though nice, is unnecessary for this discussion. The price you pay to wield a bastard sword masterfully in either stance is time and dedication; the weapon isn't imbalanced to where one should have to sacrifice the versatility. It would benefit a great many people in a great many situations to see a change put in to allow "draw both" for this (or any weapon that can be wielded in 2H, as I assume it would function regardless of actual weapon type). Just tossing that out there.
Jamais arriere.
Re: Command: Draw
An easy solution is I can see for this is either:
1. Create a new item based draw command with soft code called double draw (if possible with current code)
2. Add a command to combat config which makes you dual wield all the weapons you attempt to hold or draw when it is activated.
1. Create a new item based draw command with soft code called double draw (if possible with current code)
2. Add a command to combat config which makes you dual wield all the weapons you attempt to hold or draw when it is activated.
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.
Spelling is not necessarily correct
Spelling is not necessarily correct

Re: Command: Draw
I'm not sure if a 4th parameter can be implemented in the current draw code, but as it stands it would appear to be as simple as adding that parameter and allowing the "wield command" to be determined by it. Currently you can wield into left/right/both, but not set a hard draw to anything besides mainhand.
I don't know anything about any type of code though, so I'm just shooting in the dark.
I don't know anything about any type of code though, so I'm just shooting in the dark.
Jamais arriere.
Re: Command: Draw
This would have to be a hard code solution. Any area code solution would just be forcing you to execute a series of actions; you might save typing, but it would not spare you attacks of opportunity.
"A man may die yet still endure if his work enters the greater work, for time is carried upon a current of forgotten deeds, and events of great moment are but the culmination of a single carefully placed thought." - Chime of Eons
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Re: Command: Draw
Under the builder's section, online lesson and object's wear locations, it says there are 2 seperate locations for WEAR_HOLD and WEAR_BOTH.
Couldn't a mob take WEAPON_HOLD off when handed to him? Or would this make the object unwieldable even though it would still have WEAR_BOTH
Couldn't a mob take WEAPON_HOLD off when handed to him? Or would this make the object unwieldable even though it would still have WEAR_BOTH
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
Re: Command: Draw
Side question:
Does the quick draw feat work? The help file says it doesn't.
Does the quick draw feat work? The help file says it doesn't.
Re: Command: Draw
Quick draw doesn't work.
And to Yemin's idea. I cannot say weather that would or would not work, but even assuming it would, would that not only solve one problem to cause another? Bastard swords and katana should be able to be wielded in one hand and things change quite a lot when they are. Giving a weapon only the both hands wear location would not allow, say, a bastard sword to be used as a double-edged blade if desired. That is if I understand the proposal correctly.
Also, apologies if the above made no sense. I'm sleepy.
And to Yemin's idea. I cannot say weather that would or would not work, but even assuming it would, would that not only solve one problem to cause another? Bastard swords and katana should be able to be wielded in one hand and things change quite a lot when they are. Giving a weapon only the both hands wear location would not allow, say, a bastard sword to be used as a double-edged blade if desired. That is if I understand the proposal correctly.
Also, apologies if the above made no sense. I'm sleepy.

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Re: Command: Draw
Made sense to me Areia and it would yes. I would propose a mob that takes the wear_hold off and puts it back on with a cheap cost fluffed as a merchant dealing in specialized weapon hilts.
It's not a complete fix but it would fix the problem of the two round cost of properly wielding your weapon for those who choose to use such weapons until a hardcode option can be made.
As for quick draw, since it was mentioned I think what exactly it does should be considered carefully. As is, if fixed it would let you use get and wield / hold with no delays in combat. Which is a huge deal. Practically eliminating the point of Disarming PCs. I'm not sure i just letting it remove delay on only the draw command would really be worth a feat, since that ironically would benefit caster classes more than fighters.
It's not a complete fix but it would fix the problem of the two round cost of properly wielding your weapon for those who choose to use such weapons until a hardcode option can be made.
As for quick draw, since it was mentioned I think what exactly it does should be considered carefully. As is, if fixed it would let you use get and wield / hold with no delays in combat. Which is a huge deal. Practically eliminating the point of Disarming PCs. I'm not sure i just letting it remove delay on only the draw command would really be worth a feat, since that ironically would benefit caster classes more than fighters.
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
Re: Command: Draw
I had a similar thought, Yemin, after your initial suggestion: a merchant who could make that happen if people so desired. I will probably look at making a few around the Realms capable of doing that for some convenience of switching.
"A man may die yet still endure if his work enters the greater work, for time is carried upon a current of forgotten deeds, and events of great moment are but the culmination of a single carefully placed thought." - Chime of Eons
Re: Command: Draw
The weapon smiths at just about every fighter's guild will now add/drop that hold flag upon being given the weapon (WD, ZK, Golden Oaks, Orc Camp, Mithral Hall). If the smith does it, then they will respond to the word "bastard" or "warsword."
"A man may die yet still endure if his work enters the greater work, for time is carried upon a current of forgotten deeds, and events of great moment are but the culmination of a single carefully placed thought." - Chime of Eons