Looking for a strong group of favorable and formidable adventurers looking for treasure and glory! Xaeril is seeking some stout, good natured folk and a knowledged guide, able and willing to seek out and hunt dragons in search of lost relics of the Tel'Quessir! Find him in the Leafy Oak Clearing In the Deep.
OOC: looking to get this going in the next hour or so, so around 930pm CST US.
Casual Events!
Re: Casual Events!
Notices go up all over the city of Waterdeep, calling adventurers
of any sort to gather in the Market Center.
Greetings to all fair citizens and fine adventurers. I pray for the
city's health, yet I fear I must report on its illness. As some of you
might already have spotted my fliers, I will not be coy - At the time
listed below, I have secured some time in the market center to bring
attention to a grave injustice taking place in Waterdeep that I hope,
with all of your help, we can petition the Lords of the city to rectify.
Thank you so very much in advance for your attendance! As this is
a public demonstration, anyone of any sort is welcome to attend and
listen, offer their input, and dissent - I can only ask for your civility.
Penned by,
- Evander Starfell, studious legal scholar
Short notice, as these are wont to be. Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ ... 430&p1=137
Re: Casual Events!
Three notices have been found posted at Surtlan’s Metal-wares, Brian’s Smithy, and Halls of Hilmer.
{Written in hard angled script}
The normalization of trade relates between Waterdeep and Mithril Hall will be tempered before the Ever-burning Hearth in the temple atop Mount Waterdeep. Dalgrim Stormcleave will attune and present armor in traditional dwarven ceremony to Mailyn and Mya Galuchin. All beardly folk and nay-beards are welcome to attend. Holy water brewed with water from Bruenor’s falls will be consumed … copiously.
Dalgrim Stormcleave, Smithy o Souls and Brightsmith
Thursday 16th Dec 8 PM EST
{Written in hard angled script}
The normalization of trade relates between Waterdeep and Mithril Hall will be tempered before the Ever-burning Hearth in the temple atop Mount Waterdeep. Dalgrim Stormcleave will attune and present armor in traditional dwarven ceremony to Mailyn and Mya Galuchin. All beardly folk and nay-beards are welcome to attend. Holy water brewed with water from Bruenor’s falls will be consumed … copiously.
Dalgrim Stormcleave, Smithy o Souls and Brightsmith
Thursday 16th Dec 8 PM EST
Between the ringing of hammers in the hallowed halls a chant rises:
"Come brother ye sing with me. Ancient enemies, go cower, hide 'n flee! For dwarves be comin' fer ye!"
"Come brother ye sing with me. Ancient enemies, go cower, hide 'n flee! For dwarves be comin' fer ye!"
Re: Casual Events!
Short notice, I know:
Amira Syria opens the doors of the Westgate Purple Haze once again for a meet and greet of the maybe not so good hearted kind (though goodies are more than welcome to attend as well).
Drinks and food will be provided and at least the first drink is promised to be free!
Time is today, in a bit under 4 hours (9pm EST, check here for your timezone).
Amira Syria opens the doors of the Westgate Purple Haze once again for a meet and greet of the maybe not so good hearted kind (though goodies are more than welcome to attend as well).
Drinks and food will be provided and at least the first drink is promised to be free!
Time is today, in a bit under 4 hours (9pm EST, check here for your timezone).
Re: Casual Events!
Hi everyone! A few of us have been talking about putting together an adventuring company of our own. We're some young adventurers, but even veterans should feel welcome to come and get in on the action if they'd like to. But of course any other new adventurers would be great!
We haven't decided on a name yet, and so we're going to gather at the time below. Everyone can bring a name suggestions, we'll write them all down and then we'll all vote on which one we like best. Whichever name gets the most votes, that's what we'll go with. We can also decide on some mission goals, plan out any rules if we want them, go out on an adventure after the work's done. Whatever strikes our fancy.
Note the time is short notice!
https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ ... 1=137&ah=1
Thank you
We haven't decided on a name yet, and so we're going to gather at the time below. Everyone can bring a name suggestions, we'll write them all down and then we'll all vote on which one we like best. Whichever name gets the most votes, that's what we'll go with. We can also decide on some mission goals, plan out any rules if we want them, go out on an adventure after the work's done. Whatever strikes our fancy.
Note the time is short notice!
https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ ... 1=137&ah=1
Thank you

Re: Casual Events!
I forgot to put the actual meeting place in the post, but it will be the dripping dagger in Waterdeep!