So here it is, discuss!

I am kinda neutral on the matter as it won't prevent me from choosing an uncoded faith, but I realize for others this will matter.
Essentially right now choosing an uncoded faith is already a sacrifice for roleplay (since even priests lose supplicate objects), but having no faith, and thus no recall and resurrection, is even worse. In the sense that the current policy punishes somebody who already chooses a suboptimal option for the sake of roleplay and consistency with the character.
Yet there is also another side of the matter, that is that besides recall and resurrection, these characters have a big risk of abusing getting supplicate objects and accessing temples. Priests have that risk as well, of course, but in their case having a coded faith is required for them to acquire all skills and spells, at least, while with other characters there are the risks but almost none of the necessary benefits. However, abusers could also be punished on a case by case basis, of course, and it is always wrong to assume bad behaviour in advance.
Last but not least, not being faithed excludes one from the favor mechanic. This means, for example there are no penalties for doing actions against the faith (like stealing for a follower of a lawful god) or benefits for actions that are in line with the deity (like healing others for a good deity). Favor conditions roleplay, as I realized with my characters. Sometimes, let's be honest, not having favor is for the better, so for example one is not encouraged to go on a killing and pyromaniac spree, but I also see the loss of the mechanic as potentially not good. For example a good character may not feel the urge to cook corpses that are there anyway.
So, anyway, I have not a dog in this fight, but given there was a bit of discussion here it is for everybody.